Saturday 5 September 2015

New drive train to kart

The kart was fitted with a 58 tooth sprocket which made the gearing quite high and caused the engine to be quite difficult too run smooth at low revs.

So with some reseach on internet a 96 tooth sprocket for 219 chain was chosen that would give to good low end acceleration but slightly lower top speed. 

A new 219 chain was purchased together with a chain splitter which is a really important item for your tool box. It enables you to push out the pins at the exact place and punch pins back in to the links. Again purchased off ebay for about £15.

As the rear axal needed removing to fit rear sprocket it was decided to replace the rear wheel bearings. Easily obtained off ebay.

The rear brake disc need replacing as there was a chip in the edge of disc. Again one was purchased new off ebay. Disc was 8mm thick with ventilation holes for cooling.

It was a bit tricky to get the axal out of the bearings but with plenty of WD40 the axal was eased out of bearings.

A new centralfugal clutch was also purchased. A Max Torque 20t 219 pitch again from UK Kart parts.

New 219 chain was purchased to complete the drive and brake system of the kart.

New engine mounts bolts were purchased.

As soon all parts arrived it was into the workshop and all parts assembled onto kart with minimum problem.

The chain splitter worked perfect and the correct chain length was easily obtained.

So the kart was then wheeled into the garden. Engine powered up.

Then sitting in kart and pressing the accelerator pedal brought a very rewarding grin as the kart shot forward and preceeded to to gain speed very smoothly till we ran out of space in our garden!

So some excellent modifications to the kart were acheived.

Due to the 96 tooth rear sproket being used this gave great acceleration and made the kart very lively. The new disc brake gave a firm stop to the kart.

The clutch worked very well and kart was able to tick over without the kart trying to move forward.

So with excellent improvements to drive and brakes the next modifiation is to get some more power from engine.

We are looking at straight through exhaust and bigger carb but until then we have had some great test runs on our circut we use at a friends farm.

Very easy to drift kart, good acceleration and handles well on bends.

The larger tyres and rims fitted work very well and was an excellent modification as kart has excellent ground clearance.

So look out for next post.......

Our kart with new drive and brake modifications. Note the large rear sprocket that gives the Kart great acceleration.

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